Monday, February 21, 2011

The Beginning....

I just finished my year one residency with University of Phoenix. On day five I decided that I wanted to start a blog on the rest of my journey through the doctoral program.  Thinking back to the conversation I had with my enrollment advisor back in October 2010, it seemed like I knew exactly what I wanted to do with this degree.  Naturally I was very nervous and skeptical about going back to school because I have four degrees already but after much prayer I said why not go for the gusto?!  In order to be accepted into the doctoral program students have to pass COM705, this is a very riguous course!  I say this class "seperates the men from the boys!"  I can honestly say I have never been challenged like that before, not even in the Masters program.  I can honestly say I earned that B+.  I don't think I received a B in a class since my Bachelors from Brenau in 2004 but it was a learning experience and I appreciate it.  The simple mistakes I made, lowered my grade, at the same time increased my need to become a scholarly writer.  I hope this blog will serve as a release for me and other doctoral students or anyone going through a similar journey. SO LET THE JOURNEY BEGIN....

1 comment:

  1. This is a great way to keep other inspired, and to inspire some.
