Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New Class...

Well classes started today and I must admit I am a little nervous. I went on the website today and post to my bio but somehow I missed two mistakes on my bio. The city I was born in and the city that I live and now, I put Washington Georgia and Atlanta Georgia but for some reason the space in between the two words was not there anymore. Well the professor for this class is not only calling you out on your mistakes but she is doing it in the chat forum. Now I'm not embarrassed about the mistakes I've made, but some students may not appreciate those type of comments in chat forum, they may prefer to have those comments in their individual form. I learned from my very first class, that professors are not calling you out on your mistakes to hurt you, but to make you a scholarly writer. This class just started that I am realizing that I must step up my game and be on point with my writing. I am a bit nervous, but I am going to do my reading and look ahead at the assignments to see what I can start on and ask any questions I may have. Wish me luck!

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